














15. GENERAL. 15

16. COSTS. 17




i.                  The parties to this Agreement are:

ii.                  Intelligent Output Systems Proprietary Limited, a company registered in accordance with the laws of South Africa under registration number 2012/209767/07 (IOS); and

iii.                  Apple iOS User, who has opted to download and use the Convo mobile application.


A.             IOS is the proprietor and licensor of the Software Product.

B.              The End User wishes to obtain a licence to use the Software Product belonging to IOS.

C.             Accordingly, the Parties wish to conclude this Agreement whereby the End User will be granted a licence to use the Software Product published by IOS under the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.



1.1.                            Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement and the preamble above, unless the context requires otherwise:

1.1.1.                                             Agreement means this end user licence agreement concluded between IOS and the End User in terms of which, inter alia, IOS grants the End User a licence to use the Software Product, and any amendment thereto;

1.1.2.                                             Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the Republic of South Africa;

1.1.3.                                             Confidential Information shall include, without limitation and subject to the provisions of clause10, any information of a confidential and/or commercially sensitive nature, howsoever obtained or received and whether or not marked confidential, including any technical, commercial, financial or scientific information, know-how, trade secrets, processes, marketing and business information, customer and supplier information, pricing information and/or any other information or material of whatever description or nature proprietary to a party, whether in written, oral, magnetic, machine-readable or other format;

1.1.4.                                             Copies means copies of Confidential Information including any document, electronic file, note, extract, analysis or any other way of representing or recording and recalling information which contains, reflects or is derived from Confidential Information;

1.1.5.                                             Duration means the duration set out in clause 2 of this Agreement;

1.1.6.                                             Intellectual Property means intellectual property including, without limitation, Trade Marks, service marks, trade names, domain names, designs, patents, utility models and like rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including applications for the grant of any of the aforementioned; copyright, including, without limitation, rights in computer programs and data bases and moral rights, inventions, designs, know-how, confidential information, trade secrets, and all rights in and to any of the aforementioned, and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect to any of the aforementioned, which may subsist in any country in the world.

1.1.7.                                             Parties means IOS and the End User(s), as the parties to this Agreement, and Party means any one of them as the context may require;

1.1.8.                                             Signature date means the last date on which this Agreement is signed by the last of the Parties, the other Parties having already signed this Agreement;

1.1.9.                                             Software Product means the computer software program Convo Team Chat Software as a Service platform, published by IOS and licenced to the End User for use, which may or may not be programmed in accordance with the instructions of the End User;

1.1.10.                                          Subscription Fee means the annual or monthly fee, as the case may be, payable by the End User to IOS for the use of IOS’s Software Product in terms of clause 4.1;

1.1.11.                                          Trademarks means all trademarks, service marks, designs, markings, logos, or trade names as may be designated by IOS from time to time and any other brand designation used by IOS in connection with its products and services; and

1.1.12.                                          Updates means corrections to inherent errors in the Software Product and any changes or improvements made to the Software Product by IOS after the Signature Date, which result in the addition of functions or features not present in the Software Product; and

1.2.                            Interpretation

In addition to the definitions in clause 1.1, unless the clause requires otherwise:

1.2.1.                                             the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

1.2.2.                                             a reference to any one gender whether masculine or feminine or neuter includes the other two;

1.2.3.                                             any reference to a natural person includes an artificial person and vice versa;

1.2.4.                                             references to a statutory provision include any subordinate legislation made from time to time under that provision and references to a statutory provision include that provision as from time to time modified or re-enacted as far as such modification or re-enactment applies, or is capable of applying to this Agreement or any transaction entered into in accordance with this Agreement;

1.2.5.                                             references in this Agreement to clauses and sub-clauses are to clauses and sub-clauses of this Agreement;

1.2.6.                                             no rule of construction shall be applied to the disadvantage of a Party to this Agreement because that Party was responsible for or participated in the preparation of this Agreement or any part of it;

1.2.7.                                             unless otherwise provided, any number of days prescribed shall be determined by excluding the first and including the last day or, where the last day falls on a day that is not a Business Day, the next succeeding Business Day; and

1.3.                            all the headings and subheadings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be taken into account for the purposes of interpreting it.

2.              DURATION

2.1.                            This Agreement will commence on the Signature Date and will remain in force until terminated in terms of this clause 2.

2.2.                            Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 (thirty) days’ prior written notice to the other Party.

2.3.                            Either Party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other Party breaches a term of this Agreement, and the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within 7 (seven) Business Days of receipt of written notice thereof.

3.              GRANT OF LICENCE

3.1.                            From the Signature Date, IOS grants the End User a non - exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferrable licence to use the Software Product, and the End User accepts such grant.

3.2.                            Nothing in this Agreement prevents IOS from granting other End Users a licence to use its Software Product.

3.3.                            Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, the End User shall not:

3.3.1.                                             sell, rent, lease, sub-license, lend, redistribute, reuse or exploit the Software Product; including the software text, graphics, video, audio codes, user interface or Trade Marks;

3.3.2.                                             reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify or create derivative works of the Software Product; or

3.3.3.                                             wilfully remove or obscure any IOS patent, copyright, Trade Mark, brand name or proprietary rights notices contained in or affixed to the Software Product.

3.4.                            Any attempt by the End User to perform the prohibited actions listed in clause 3.3 above, is a violation of the Intellectual Property rights of IOS.

3.5.                            The terms of this Agreement will govern any Updates provided by IOS that supplement the original software, unless such update is accompanied by a separate license, in which case the terms of that license will govern.


4.1 Convo Team Chat is meant to be used as a professional business tool and not as an open social media instant messaging platform. To this extent, there shall be zero tolerance for the posting, sharing, uploading or transmission of objectionable content of any kind.

4.2 A zero tolerance policy for content containing offense material is enforced. Themes not allowed on this platform include the following:

a. Violence / Bullying / Abuse

b. Hate speech

c. Nudity

d. Drugs

e. Sex

f. Gender bias

4.3 Any user or organisation that fails to comply with this clause will be blocked from using Convo and will forfeit any subscriptions already paid and existing data. An appeal process is in place, which can be referred to under Dispute Resolution, section 13.

5.                 PAYMENT

5.1.                            The Parties agree that the End User shall pay the Subscription Fee for the use of IOS’s Software Product in accordance with the pricing guide published by IOS from time to time. Any changes to the subscription fee will be effective 30 (thirty) days from when IOS provides the End User with written notice to change.

5.2.                            Access to the Software Product will only be given upon receipt of full payment of the Subscription Fee by the End User to IOS, unless otherwise agreed.

5.3.                            All Subscription Fees payments made by the End User to IOS are payable in full without reduction pursuant to taxes or tariffs. The End User shall be liable for, and will indemnify IOS against, any such taxes and tariffs assessed against IOS based on the use of the Software Product by the End User.

5.4.                            The End User shall pay IOS the Subscription Fee, without deduction or set off, by electronic funds transfer in immediately available funds into a bank account, which shall be designated by IOS by written notice to the End User.


6.1.                            IOS shall have no obligation to provide the End User with technical support where faults arise from:

6.1.1.                                             misuse, incorrect use of or damage to the Software Product from whatever cause (other than any act or omission by IOS), including failure or fluctuation of electrical power;

6.1.2.                                             incorrect or unclear programming specifications for the Software Product;

6.1.3.                                             failure to maintain the necessary environmental conditions for use of the Software Product; and

6.1.4.                                             any breach of the End User of this Agreement.

6.2.                            IOS will provide to the End User reasonable support and Updates necessary for the functioning of the Software Product but for the avoidance of doubt, IOS shall not provide the End User with any version upgrades of the Software Product.

6.3.                            Subject to clause 5.2, IOS will only provide the End User with reasonable support services during ordinary business hours as and when such services are required. Should the End User require support as a consequence of no defect in the Software Product, IOS shall be entitled to charge a fee for its support services.

6.4.                            IOS may from time to time develop Updates to the Software Product and when the Updates are ready for release, IOS will notify the End User.

7.                 END USER’S OBLIGATIONS

If the End User sells or disposes of any infrastructure which contains access to the Software Product, the End User will ensure that all copies of the Software Product have been deleted. The End User will, upon written request of IOS, provide IOS with proof of such deletion.

8.                 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

8.1.                            The End User understands and accepts the risks associated with installing and use of the Software Product that may not be compatible with the End User’s computer equipment.

8.2.                            The End User further accepts such risks including but not limited to failure of or damage to hardware, software, communication lines or systems and/or other computer equipment.

8.3.                            In no event will IOS be liable to the End User or a third party in respect of anything which, apart from this provision, may constitute a breach of this Agreement arising by reason of force majeure and circumstances beyond the direct control of IOS which shall include, but not be limited to, any failure related to the incorrect processing of date data, acts of God, civil commotion, acts of local government or parliamentary authority, breakdown of power supplies or of communications lines, failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communications lines (including telephone, cable and internet), unauthorized access, viruses, theft, operator errors, severe or extraordinary weather (flood, earthquake), fire, war, insurrection, terrorist act, riot, labour dispute and other labour problems, accident, emergency or action of government.

8.4.                            IOS expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the damage listed in this clause 7 and the End User agrees to fully indemnify IOS from any and all damages, liability, losses, costs and expenses that may arise.

8.5.                            In no event will IOS be liable to the End User for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damages whatsoever including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, loss of data any other commercial loss or damages.

8.6.                            The maximum liability of IOS, whether in contract or delict, including negligence, for all breaches of this Agreement and all other events, acts, claims, omissions and causes of action of whatever nature and however arising, relating to or arising directly or indirectly from this Agreement of the Software Product, shall be limited to the value of the Subscription Fee received by IOS in the year that such liability arises.

8.7.                            Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude the liability of IOS for any matter to the extent to which such liability cannot be lawfully excluded or limited.

9.              WARRANTIES

9.1.                            Warranty Disclaimer

9.1.1.                                             Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, IOS gives no representation, undertaking or warranties, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise.

9.1.2.                                             The End User acknowledges that the Software Product in general is not error-free and agrees that the existence of such errors shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement.

9.1.3.                                             In the event that the End User discovers a material error which substantially affects its use of the Software Product and notifies IOS of the error within 90 (ninety) days from Signature Date, IOS shall at its sole option either refund the Subscription Fee or use all reasonable endeavours to correct, by patch or new release (at its option), that part of the Software Product which does not so comply.

9.1.4.                                             Clause 8.1.3 shall be subject to the provision that such non-compliance has not been caused by any modification, variation or addition to the Software Product not performed by IOS or caused by its incorrect use, abuse or corruption of the Software Product or by use of the Software Product with other software or on equipment with which it is incompatible.

9.2.                            End User’s Warranty

The End User warrants, represents and undertakes that it:

9.2.1.                                             will use the Software Product only for the purposes of its business;

9.2.2.                                             use reasonable care and protection to prevent the unauthorised use, copying, publication or dissemination of the Software Product;

9.2.3.                                             will not use the Software Product in any manner that is not permitted in terms of this Agreement;

9.2.4.                                             will satisfy itself that the Software Product meets the needs of its business. It is the sole responsibility of the End User to determine that the Software Product is ready for operational use in the End User's business before it is so used; and

9.2.5.                                             will ensure that the its computer, other hardware and any other software with which the Software Product will be used is either the property of the End User or is legally licensed to the End User for use with the Software Product.

9.3.                            Indemnity

The End User will indemnify IOS and its employees against all losses, costs, damages, or expenses (whether direct or indirect) which IOS may suffer or incur and any other claims which may be brought against IOS and/or its employees by any third party in respect of any loss, liability (whether actual, contingent or otherwise), damage, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever as a consequence of or which may arise from or be attributed to the breach by the End User of the provisions of this Agreement or any act or omission on the part of the End User or from any other cause whatsoever.


10.1.                         All rights, title, ownership and interest including Intellectual Property in and to the Software Product and Updates, shall at all times remain the sole property of IOS. The End User shall not during or at any time after the expiry or termination of this Agreement in any way question or dispute the ownership by IOS of the Intellectual Property.

10.2.                         The End User shall not use the Intellectual Property save with the prior written consent of IOS.

10.3.                         The End User acknowledges and agrees that all Intellectual Property in and to the Software Product and any Updates as a whole, belong to and vest in IOS.

10.4.                         In the event that new inventions, designs or processes evolve in performance of or as a result of this Agreement, the End User acknowledges that the same shall be the property of IOS.

10.5.                         The End User shall indemnify IOS fully against all liabilities, costs and expenses which IOS may incur as a result of any infringement of any patent or other proprietary right by the End User.


11.1.                         In return for Confidential Information provided directly or indirectly by one Party (Disclosing Party) to the other Party (Receiving Party), each Party shall:

11.1.1.                                          keep Confidential Information secret;

11.1.2.                                          ensure that Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to its own Confidential Information;

11.1.3.                                          use it only as may be required by this Agreement;

11.1.4.                                          not directly or indirectly disclose it in whole or in part to any person (or allow it to be disclosed) or make Copies of it unless permitted to do so by this Agreement;

11.1.5.                                          ensure that no one discloses confidential information unless authorised; and

11.1.6.                                          inform the other Party immediately upon becoming aware or suspecting that an unauthorised person has become aware of the Confidential Information.

11.2.                         Information is not Confidential Information if:

11.2.1.                                          It is or subsequently becomes public knowledge other than as a direct or indirect result of the information being disclosed in breach of this Agreement;

11.2.2.                                          Either Party can establish to the reasonable satisfaction of the other Party that it obtained the information from a source not connected with the other Party and that the source is not under any obligation of confidence in respect of the information.

12.           CONSENT TO USE OF DATA

The End User agrees that IOS may collect and use technical data and related information including but not limited to technical information about the End User’s computer system and application software that are gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of Updates, Upgrades and other services to the End User related to this Agreement.


13.1.                         Save in respect of those provisions of this Agreement which provide for their own remedies which would be incompatible with the dispute resolution provisions of this Agreement, should any dispute, disagreement or claim of whatsoever nature arise between the Parties in regard to the interpretation of this Agreement, the carrying into effect of the Parties’ rights and obligations arising from this Agreement, or the termination or purported termination of this Agreement, (the Dispute), such Dispute shall be resolved in the following sequence:

13.1.1.                                          The Parties shall endeavour to resolve the Dispute by negotiation. This entails one of the Parties inviting the other or others in writing to meet and to attempt to resolve the Dispute within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the written invitation;

13.1.2.                                          If negotiation under 12.1.1 fails, mediation in terms of clause 12.2; and

13.1.3.                                          If mediation fails, arbitration in terms of clause 12.4.

13.2.                         If the Dispute has not been resolved by negotiation within 7 (seven) days of the commencement thereof by agreement between the Parties, then the Parties shall:

13.2.1.                                          submit the Dispute to mediation to be administered by AFSA, upon such terms as agreed between the Parties and the secretariat of the AFSA; and

13.2.2.                                          failing agreement as aforesaid within 7 (seven) days of the Dispute being submitted to mediation, the Parties shall refer the Dispute to arbitration as provided in clause12.4.

13.3.                         The agreement facilitated by the mediator shall become final and binding within 14 (fourteen) days of delivery thereof to the Parties, unless one or the Parties disputes same by written notice to the other Party within the aforesaid 7 (seven) day period, in which event the Dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions in clause 12.4.

13.4.                         Failing agreement as referred to in clause 12.2.2 above or in the event of any of the Parties furnishing its notice of dispute within 7 (seven) days of the agreement envisaged in terms of clause 12.3 above, the Dispute shall be submitted to arbitration for final resolution in accordance with the rules of AFSA by an arbitrator or arbitrators appointed by AFSA subject to the following:

13.4.1.                                          the number of arbitrators shall be 1;

13.4.2.                                          the place of arbitration shall be at Port Elizabeth, unless the Parties agree otherwise;

13.4.3.                                          the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English; and

13.4.4.                                          the arbitrator shall be obligated to give his award in writing fully supported by reasons, which award shall be final and binding to the Parties, subject to the right of appeal.

13.5.                         This clause 12 shall not preclude any Party from obtaining interim relief on an urgent basis from a competent court of competent jurisdiction. For this reason, the Parties consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the Eastern Cape High Court of South Africa having jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement.


14.1.                         The Parties choose for the purposes of this Agreement the following addresses, email addresses and, for the purpose of any notices:

14.1.1.                                          IOS: 4 Hurd Street

Newton Park

Port Elizabeth


14.1.2.                                          Email address:

14.1.3.                                          The End User: _____________________________






Email address: _____________________________

14.1.4.                                          Any legal process to be served on any of the Parties may be served on it at the physical address specified for it in clause 13.1 and it chooses that address as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this Agreement.

14.2.                         Any notice or any other communication to be given to any of the Parties in terms of this Agreement shall be valid and effective only if it is given in writing, provided that any notice given by email shall be regarded for this purpose as having been given in writing.

14.3.                         A notice to any of the Parties which is sent by registered post in a correctly addressed envelope to the postal address specified for it in clause 13.1 shall be deemed to have been received within 14 (fourteen) days from the date it was posted, or which it is delivered to the Party by hand at the physical address specified for in clause 13.1 shall be deemed to have been received on the day of delivery, provided it was delivered to a responsible person during ordinary business hours.

14.4.                         Each notice by email to a Party at the email address specified for it in clause 13.1 shall be deemed to have been received within 4 (four) hours of transmission if it is transmitted during ordinary business hours of the receiving Party or within 4 (four) hours of the beginning of the next Business Day after it is transmitted, if it is transmitted outside of those business hours.

14.5.                         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause 13, a written notice or other communication actually received by any of the Parties (and for which written receipt has been obtained) shall be adequate written notice or communication to it notwithstanding that the notice was not sent to or delivered at its chosen address.

14.6.                         Any party may by written notice to the other Parties change its physical or postal address or email address for the purposes of clause 13.1 to any other physical or postal address or email address provided that the change shall become effective on the seventh day after the receipt of the notice.

15.               GENERAL

15.1.                         Relationship

This Agreement does not make either of the Parties an agent or legal representative of the other for any purposes whatsoever and neither of the Parties shall be entitled to act on behalf of, or to represent the other, or to bind the other's credit unless expressly duly authorised thereto in writing.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, relationship of employment or joint venture between the Parties.

15.2.                         Remedies

No remedy conferred by this Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy which is otherwise available at law, by statute or otherwise. Each remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law, by statute or otherwise. The election of any one or more remedies by any of the Parties shall not constitute a waiver by such Party of the right to pursue any other remedy.

15.3.                         Severance

If any provision of this Agreement, which is not material to its efficacy as a whole, is rendered void, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

15.4.                         Entire Agreement

15.4.1.                                          This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties in regard to its subject matter.

15.4.2.                                          None of the Parties shall have any claim or right arising from any undertaking, representation or warranty not included in this Agreement.

15.5.                         Variations

No agreement to vary, add to or cancel this Agreement shall be of any force or effect unless recorded in writing and signed by or on behalf of all of the Parties.

15.6.                         Waiver

No failure by a Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of such provision or affect in any way a Party’s right to require performance of any such provision at any time in the future, nor shall the waiver of any subsequent breach nullify the effectiveness of the provision itself.

15.7.                         Assignment

The End User may not cede any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement.

15.8.                         General Co-operation

The Parties shall co-operate with each other and execute and deliver to the other Parties such other instruments and documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably requested from time to time in order to carry out, evidence and confirm their rights and the intended purpose of this Agreement

15.9.                         Counterparts

This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Any Party may enter into this Agreement by signing such counterpart.

15.10.                      Governing law

The validity of this Agreement, its interpretation, the respective rights and obligations of the Parties and all other matters arising in any way out of it or its expiration or earlier termination for any reason shall be determined in accordance with the laws of South Africa.

15.11.                      Survival of Rights, Duties and Obligations

Termination of this Agreement for any cause shall not release either Party from any liability which at the time of termination has already accrued to the other Party or which thereafter may accrue in respect of any act or omission prior to such termination.

16.               COSTS

16.1.                         Any costs or expenses incurred by a Party in respect of this Agreement and its implementation will be for its own account.

16.2.                         If any legal proceedings relating to the enforcement by either Party of its rights in terms of this Agreement, an arbitrator or court awards costs to any Party, such costs shall be determined and recoverable on the scale between an attorney and his own client and shall include collection charges, the costs incurred by such Party in endeavouring to enforce such rights prior to the institution of legal proceedings and the costs incurred in connection with the satisfaction or enforcement of any judgement awarded in favour of such Party in relation to its rights in terms of or arising out of this Agreement.